Why stop at Trump? Twitter must ban world leaders FOREVER

It’s striking how much less noise there is in U.S. politics — even during an extraordinarily turbulent time — without Trump’s constant flow of unhinged tweets,  Brian Klaas, a professor of global politics at University College London, tweeted this month.

And misinformation about election fraud plummeted after Trump was kicked off, one research has firm found.

Since Trump has stopped live tweeting all day, citizens have enjoyed cognitive space to better understand what’s actually happening around us.

Experts suggests we should learn from this: Heads of state should not be allowed to tweet.

It can’t be right that the most powerful person in the world’s most visible lever on power are 280-character chunks of tossed-off thoughts published instantly, without review, on a medium run by a private company whose secret algorithms are designed to encourage outrage.

And it is insane that The Pew Research Center discovered that while the 116th Congress barely passed any substantive bills, its members collectively set records for their activity on Twitter.

Lawmaking, now, is more a matter of going viral than getting anything done.

That’s a trend we need to end. Twitter is better without Trump. But why stop there.  Let’s  keep kicking off more politicians, so they can get on with the day job.

Posted in: Infographic of the day

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