Never Lose Another Pitch: in conclusion, these two slides are more important than any others

A poster of Supersize Me The Movie which really hurt the reputation of MAcDonalds

We’ve been on a quite a journey. We have dropped a lot of science and it can be bewildering.

But in reality, pitching is simple. It comes down to two things. Let me tell you a story to explain what I mean.

After the movie Supersize Me was released, McDonald’s hit a crisis.

The film detailed how unhealthy their food was.McDonald’s had to do something.

They recruited Mark Penn to help them shape their strategy.

McDonald’s execs flew in from all over the US to Texas to hear the judgement of the man who had helped BillClinton win the presidency after the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal.

When the moment arrived, in a packed auditorium, Penn stood up and declared. “It’s not good fast food, it’s good food fast.” Then he sat down. The presentation took less than a minute, The opening slide with your big idea is the most important slide in your deck

TheMcDonald’s execs were not happy. What is all this? they asked. We were expecting more, they said.

“Listen,” said Penn, “I won Bill Clinton the US presidency after a sex scandal. What the fuck have you done?”

This story is funny and possibly apocryphal, but to me illustrates a key point.

A pitch is simply two things: Your one big idea and your ability to convince everyone you can deliver it.

Really, they should be expressed the first two slides. At that point the client has bought in to you or she has not. All you have to do next is confirm their judgement. If they have not bought in, nothing you can do after the first two slides will make a difference anyway.

The two most important slides in your deck


After the first two slides it is just a question of unpacking your pitch, one idea at a time on one slide told to one person. And then at the end, cut your price into pieces to make it more digestible.

One idea per slide is the golden rule for PowerPoint presentations

If you have set yourself up right and play your cards right and need never lose another pitch. Good luck.

This slide explains A powerPoint presentation is like a deck of cards. Play one card at a time.

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