This map suggests New Yorkers are the super-elite of America

It’s often said that there “two Americas,” blue and red states, Republican and Democrats separated by the Mason Dixon line. Or, it’s been suggested that elites live  ”bicoastal” while the rest of American society is “forced” to reside in the rest of the US – what have been cruelly dubbed the “flyover states.”

But now evidence suggests that in America, most members of the educated elite actually seem to live in and around New York  This map  just published by The Washington Post shows a fascinating visualization of inequality in America and confirms the theory of the existence of  ”superzips” – neighbourhoods with a disproportionate amount of high earning college graduates.

The idea of Superzips was first posited in a 2012 book by Charles Murray called ’Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010.’

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