This chart suggests more US quantative easing is imminent

With stock markets plunging this graph suggests the US Federal reserve is about to embark on QE3 – another round of money being pumped into the flagging US economy.

Or, as US website Business Insider put it: “Will there be round three [of quantative easing]? Do children like Disneyland?”

How are they so certain? Well, with interest rates as low as they go, the Fed can hardly cut them any further. What’s left?

I spoke with a Stephen Armstrong at The Sunday Times yesterday and we both remarked, as we have before, how all the good stories these days are “money stories.” (Even if they are bad news for most of us).

This was the idea behind Gaz7etta, the weekly brother title to Grazia we both helped devise last year. So far that idea has not hit the shelves, but maybe now is the time.

Posted in: Infographic of the day

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