Incredible posters from the birth of the London Underground

To mark the 150th anniversary of the London Underground, The London Transport Museum is also putting on an exhibition titled Poster Art 150: London Underground’s Greatest Designs, running until October 27.  Above are Edward Johnston’s 1925 instructions for the correct proportions of the redesigned Underground bullseye to incorporate the new typeface.

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The Coalition’s austerity plan is stalling

Economists such as Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman say you must spend your way out of  a recession.

But the coalition have made swingeing cuts to protect the UK’s triple-A credit rating. Unfortunately, the Euro debt crisis has made mincemeat of their efforts.

GDP is down again, as this chart shows. The UK is now in its longest post-war recession. The OECD said the UK must stick with austerity, but it isn’t working now, so when will it start working?

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Here’s the scary chart at the centre of the IMF’s financial stability report

The Global Financial Stability Report update gives pride of place to this chart in its latest quarterly reports on the global economy and financial stability.

It rams home the reports’ central point: The world’s becoming a more dangerous place, including for emerging markets. Economic growth prospects have slowed while “risks to financial stability have increased” since the Fund’s last pronouncements.

The big problem is Europe, it says.


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