Content marketing tip #1: keep it simple


Sometimes I feel there are two types of people in the world: simplifiers and complicators.  Some of your co- workers  will love to make things as complex as can be and resist simplification at all costs.

For me, I am a simplifier.  I understand Blaize Pascal when he wrote: “I did not have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” What’s the difference between complicators and simplifiers? The complicator expresses himself, the simplifier communicates.

Example: in my wallet I have a business card  for a retail foresight consultancy I did some work for.  They wanted to describe the service they offered to clients on their business cards. This is what they come up with:

We provide the inspiration and insight that gives the world’s leading companies competitive advantage.

That’s complicator talk. This is what Furthr came up with:

What’s next for retail

So much of excellence is, of course, the art of elimination

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